Have it your way

At Jungle Path Tours we relate to each traveler because we spend time getting to know you better that’s why our team will mastermind an excursion trip with your needs and ideas, so let us take the heavy lift and go ahead confidently, this service has no cost to you. 


Whatever it is, the way you need it to be.


  • With an immense array of options, creating a Day trip that fits you is our only purpose, hidden time-wasters like logistics, waiting for lines, tickets, and routes, are taken away so you can focus on what matters, your time off.

    It’s not just about making the perfect excursion trip, is also about making it fun.

  • We offer only what we vibe with, so you can expect relaxed, fun, and educational experiences from Jungle Path.

  • What was trendy in 2019 might not work now, that’s why we are always looking into new ways to improve and evolve our services.